2014年9月28日 星期日

食譜分享(Cinnamon rolls)

我非常喜歡在週末上完三小時的理化課後,觀看youtube上我所訂閱的烹飪頻道,它們都是經過我細心挑選後所訂閱的,我很享受每次打開youtube,就看到新的cooking show整齊的列在下方,這些美麗的影片不但讓我放鬆,還可以享受我喜歡的英文和那些烹飪名詞在耳邊環繞,我可以挑選我特別想要看的,因為影片太多,而我又常常被迷倒的抽不離他們。
今天打開youtube,看到Gemma分享的Cinnamon rolls(肉桂捲)影片,No knead,no machine,使我為之瘋狂。有些人無法接受肉桂的味道,但我卻似乎打從一開始接觸這個香料後就愛上它。我喜歡它的味道讓我的心穩下來,它的味道是強烈的,卻同時又是如此溫柔。
Gemma 分享的食譜十分簡單,不需要機器揉麵,只需要充足的時間,他會回報你鬆軟又美麗的織裡和口感。以下是她的食譜和做法,我一定得找時間來試試,創造滿屋肉桂香,總是如此讓人欣喜又滿足!
FROM : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTdU13pryV0

3 1/2 cups (1 lb 1oz/ 470g) All-Purpose Flour
1/2 tablespoon salt
3/4 tablespoons dried yeast
½ cup (3.5oz/100g) milk
½ cups(3.5oz/100g) water
2 large eggs
1/4 cup (3oz/85g) honey
1/4 cup (2oz/60g) melted butter or vegetable oil

For the Filling:

1/2 cup (4oz/120g) butter
1 1/4 cups ( 7 ½ oz /210g) packed light brown sugar
2 1/2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
1 cup (4oz/100g)toasted pecans

Cream Cheese Glaze:

4 oz (110g ) Cream cheese, room temperature
1 cup (120g) Powdered sugar
1/4 cup (1/2 stick/ 2oz)) Butter, room temperature
1/2 Tsp Vanilla extract

1. To make the dough, combine all of the dry ingredients in a very large bowl.

2. In a separate jug add in the milk, water, honey and butter. Heat it in the microwave until it is warm (at blood temperature) and the butter has melted. Whisk in the eggs quickly.

3. Stir the wet into the dry to make a sticky dough. You can simply mix with a spoon until there are no flour lumps yet. Scrape down the dough from the sides of the bowl.

4. Cover the bowl, and let the dough rise for 2 hours at cool room temperature. It will triple in size

5. After this, refrigerate the dough for at least 8 hours, preferrably over night. It can be refrigerated for up to 3 days before using.

6. When you're ready to make your cinnamon rolls, make the filling. Combine the butter, brown sugar and cinnamon in a bowl. Stir until smooth. Set aside.

7. Transfer the dough to a floured work surface, and roll it into a rectangle approximately 1/4" thick. It will be long so you can always do it in 2 goes.

8. Spread the filling over the dough, leaving a narrow margin around the edges uncovered.

9. Starting with a long edge, gently roll the dough into a log. Don't roll it too tightly; if you do, the centers of the buns will pop up as they bake.

10. Slice the rolls 2” thick and set them with their cinnamon face up

11. In a deep baking pan lined with parchment space the buns in the pan.

12. Cover the pan, and allow the rolls to rise until they're have grown into each other and are puffed up, about 30-1 hour. (depending on how hot your kitchen is)

(Towards the end of the rising time, preheat the oven to 375oF/ 190oC)

13. Uncover the pan, and bake the buns for 40 to 45 minutes, till they're a deep golden brown. Rotate the tray during baking so they can get golden brown all over.

14. While they are baking make your glaze: In a large bowl (or you can use a hand mixer) beat the cream cheese, butter, sugar and vanilla together with a whisk until well combined.

15. Remove the pan from the oven and let it rest for 20 minutes. Once cooled remove from the pan and onto a cooling rack .

16. Spread your cream cheese glaze generously over the cinnamon rolls, and devour immediately,

2014年9月25日 星期四


到辦公室和玉琪老師說完話,轉身準備離開時,坐在老師身邊和對面的兩位數學老師叫住了我,他們都是老師的好朋友,我走過去,只聽老師說了一句:佳宜,請你以後在走廊遇到我一定要像我說英文! 我在心底大笑了一陣,他卻表現得非常一本正經,令我也不禁開心的笑了。我應老師要求,念了一小篇短文,老師們又是great又是good,還有不斷豎起的大拇指和讚賞聲,我不禁感謝上帝這一路的帶領與安排。

回想從五年級開始,與英文的相處,一開始確實是非常辛苦的,廣播裡說的英文,我幾乎完全無法理解,唯一特別的,是每晚端坐電腦前,用心聽Let's talk in English的教學節目。那真的是個沒有太多深刻記憶的過程,每天不斷讓耳朵熟悉英文的頻率,就這樣持續了半年。我一直無法連結的,究竟,我是怎麼堅持過來的?沒有太多辛苦的記憶,只有不斷進步的喜悅。


2014年9月20日 星期六


洗衣的間歇,我輕喚lucky的名子,他原本正在啤酒箱裡舒服的休息, 聽一聲輕脆的叫喊,他飛奔到我的腳前,繞著我跑了好幾圈,我摸摸牠毛絨絨的身體,感覺柔軟的灰毛又厚了一點,想必lucky已經為進入秋天做好準備,然後她跳進了籠子裡。趴在喝水器旁,兩隻腳縮在屁股下,我都稱那叫"小遊艇"。他把鼻子擠在兩根鐵杆中間的夾縫中,等待我摸摸他。
雨天的小小記事,窗外的雨聲仍就滴答作響,我卻很開心的準備開始讀studio classroom,一點也沒有因為雨天而煩躁不堪。下一次,一早下雨時,去打開除濕機吧!!你會訝異他替你除去的除了滿屋的濕氣還有內心的懶洋洋!